Canada is grappling with a significant plastic waste problem, with an estimated 3.3 million tonnes produced annually. A staggering 2.8 million tonnes of this waste finds its way into Canadian landfills each year.. Furthermore, the Canadian government reveals that Canadians consume nearly 15 billion plastic bags and approximately 57 million straws daily. Alarmingly, over one-third of the plastics produced in the country are designated for single-use products or packaging.

While many believe that Canadians are diligent in recycling their plastic waste, the reality paints a different picture. A mere eight per cent of the nation's plastic waste is recycled. In contrast, a whopping 86 per cent ends up in landfills. The remaining portion is either incinerated, leading to increased climate change and air pollution, or becomes environmental litter.

Moreover, Canada's approach to "recycling" is further marred by questionable practices where a significant portion of its non-biodegradable waste is shipped outside under the guise of recycling. Regrettably, this often fails to undergo proper recycling processes.


Canada is working diligently to manage plastic based on a “take-make-waste” program – we extract resources and make products. In a circular economy, the lifecycle of products and materials is extended for as long as possible. This model follows a “make-use-return,” so materials and products are reused, repaired, and re-manufactured. By creating a circular economy for plastics – we reduce plastic and carbon pollution, generate billions of dollars, and create 42,000 jobs by 2030.

Our vision is a zero-plastic waste future where plastics remain in the economy and out of landfills.

boy sitting while holding electronic device part
boy sitting while holding electronic device part


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